The steps below will guide you through the process of setting up a category that does not affect the calculated quarter grades. In this category we will have four assignments for tracking SLO scores, which will not show on the IC Portal. At the end of the school year you will be able to print a report that shows each student's Baseline Score, Growth Target, Final Score, and Exceeds/Meets Target.
There are a number of steps to get this ready, so make sure you have a few minutes to focus on this before beginning.
Here's the outline for this process
1 - See the Goal
2 - Create a Category for each section that is excluded from calculation
3 - Create four assignments for each section in May to hold the SLO tracking information
4 - Create a SLO scoring report for each section once the scores are entered
You may already have this category copied from last year.
Check you category list. If you already have an SLO category and it is marked as Exclude, then you can go to step 3a.
If it is not there, click the Add button.
Repeat these steps for each course you need SLO score tracking.
1 - From the Planner, click the +Add button to create an assignment
1 - Name the Assignment Baseline Score (August)
2 - Make the Abbreviation BSA
3 - Assign to all sections of the Course
4 - Click the Hide checkbox at the top of your sections to Hide this assignment from the IC Portal
5 - Make the Assigned Date & Due Date the Monday of the first full week of May
Scroll down in Assignment detail & proceed to the next step in the directions.
1 - Select Quarter > SLO as the Grading Task
2 - Set the Total Points as needed
3 - Click the Copy button
Repeat these steps for each course you need SLO score tracking.
You can also copy these four assignments from one course to another using these directions.
Once you have created the four SLO assignments
1 - Uncheck the Select All Assignments box
2 - Checkbox the four SLO assignments from the 4th Term
3 - Click the Generate Report button
Here is a preview of what your final SLO report will look like. Notice that the BSA, GTS, & FSA will be score values out of 100, while the EMT has a score of 1 if Exceeds/Meets Target and O if not.. This report will show the class percentage of Exceeds/Meets as a decimal, but you may need write in the SLO Rating.