Search: Course/SEction - then Scheduling Rules Tab
Any courses that need to have the same teacher or same period or same section or before/after another class should be set up on this screen. There are many other Rule Types. Use the NEW RULE to add as many rules as you need.
Before means that course1 needs to be taken at any time in the year prior to course 2. Preceeds means that course1 needs to come in the term right before course2 (consecutive terms).
If you have a course that MUST be in a specific time slot (6th grade band, AP Biology) you can add that section specifically on the course screen (Course/Sections) - Make sure that you are in the "next" school year
Enter the section number, Max students and room number (if it must be specific). Also, check the terms in which this class MUST fall into. If it is a semester class then only check 1/2 or 3/4. Full year class must have 1-4 checked. Click Create Section. *Teacher Display Name does NOT add a teacher. Teacher must be added under the Staff History Tab
If you need to add a specific teacher to the section above, ADD Primary TEACHER. Use the drop down to add a teacher. SAVE
*If a new teacher is not in the list, contact Leigh Ann Leach to add them to the Census directory and to the school.
Index/Scheduling/Schedule Wizard
Launch the Wizard
Log in with your IC username and password
1. Click on Rolled-In, Hit COPY
1) Click on New Trial
2) Rename the name of your schedule if you wish
3) Save
4) Make this schedule the ACTIVE schedule
5) Open
Columns in White can be adjusted. Grey columns are informational only.
It is recommended to NOT add individual courses to the staff. Only enter rooms or Period Restrictions. To add a room, choose ADD NEW (may need to scroll down on the page to see "add new")
Enter a restriction for the teachers lunch (if it is a specific period) or coaches who are not available for a specific period
Columns in white can be adjusted, Grey columns are informational only.
The lowers the number in the priority column, the higher the priority
Enter the number of sections to build. The columns to the left of "to build" show you last years sections, the number needed this year, and the change in what you need.
Adjust the rules for the course or you can adjust them on the actual Course/section in IC (outside of scheduler)
You can enter the Min/Max that the teacher can teach THIS course
The room will usually be set up with the teacher under STAFF PLANNER
Put a check in the period/term that it is NOT available
**You can also enter this in IC under Course/Section - enter the section that it can be offered and the specific period available
SAVE, SAVE, SAVE before moving on to another course
Building/Builder Config...
1. The number of times the scheduler needs to work to build the schedule. The higher the number the harder it will work. 5 is a nice number to start
2. Automatic Fix and Automatic Assign - Doug and Kirk recommended not using at this time
3. Period taught for 100% FTE - (the number of period per day that a teacher can teach in a day)
4. Max courses per term (# of courses a teacher can be scheduled into). Take the number of periods in a day and subtract lunch period and/or planning periods.
5. Min % used in section needed to calc (If a section reaches this percent then it will add a new section)
6. course filter - Can change to run singletons...or leave as Not filtered
This will create your courses/sections. They will appear on the WhiteBoard. You can move them around on the WhiteBoard.
By right clicking on a course you can Build/Unbuild Course or Lock/Unlock a Build.
If you don't like where the sections are placed for a specific course you can Unbuild the course and then rebuild the course (without having to Unbuild/Build the entire schedule)
If you move a course on the whiteboard, it will automatically lock it in the new position. To unclock, use the Unlock Build for that section
For instance, the 6th grade Language Arts - can be set up in IC under Scheduling/Courses. When you come into the Course Planner, Right click on these courses and LOCK them (Building/Lock Build). This will make sure that you they do NOT get wiped out during an unbuild.
Building/Run a Full Unbuild
1. Full load search depth - 5 is recommended
2. Default Course Priority - 1 is recommended
3. Autoload Search Depth - # of times scheduler will try to schedule a request
(Leave both autoload check boxes unchecked)
4. Choose all grade levels or choose an individual grade level that you want to schedule
Loading/Run a Full Load.
SAVE, SAVE, SAVE when it is finished.
Right click on the course/section that you want to adjust the studetns
Loading/Run a Full Unload. May or may not want to do this. Sometimes it is easier to unload the students and start over.
Helpful report outside of the schedule wizard.