Update any Locker combinations / Grade Levels/ Locker types

Find any students left over from last year that may still have a locker assigned: System Admin/Lockers/ Reports/Locker Assignment Reports

User Locker Batch End to end any Lockers left over from last year. system Admin/Lockers/Locker Batc End Wizard

1) Enter todays date (shows that the locker was active today)
2) Locker Effective Date (Enter an end date for the locker) I would choose today's date as well
3) End Locker Assignments
When complete, rerun the Locker Assignment report to make sure that no students have a locker

System Admin / Resources / Resources / Lockers

Increment all lockers by one Sequence: Index/System Admin/Lockers/Combiantion Rotation Wizard

Locker Schedule Wizard: System Admin/Lockers/Locker Schedule Wizard

1) Enter the Locker type: Academic, Activity, PE, etc...Usually Academic for mass assigning for students
2) Grades: Choose all that apply. you may want to choose one grade level at a time (or you can use an ad-hoc filter...ex: 504 students)
For MS 5/6 grade you will use the ad-hoc field. Pull up a homeroom: (example) Counselor MS: Lee Homeroom
3) Assign locked designated for particular grade level. On the locker set up sreen - each locker can be given a specific grade level. If you use this, then choose Yes to this question. If you are using a homeroom, chooe NO and then choose the individual group of lockers to assign to the homeroom chosen in step 3.
4) How to assign lockers? Random boy-girl order, Alphabetical boy-girl order, Alphabetical order, Random order (Your choice)
5) Lockers sorted in alpha or numerical order? If you lockers are numbered then choose Numeric
6) Double assign lockers? Your choice but I doubt that lockers are shared
7) Locker assignment Start Date: Choose a date WAY in advance to school starting (Maybe 8/1/20**) If you assign on the date school starts - the lockers will not appear on student schedules, etc...until that date
8) Enter a locker end date: Choose a week or so after school is planned to get out. You do NOT want lockers to end onthe planned end date - what happens if there is a few make up days? You don't want lockers to end prior to school getting out. (Maybe 6/10/20**)??