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Behavior and attendance linkage

You can now enter an ISS, ISAP, OSS or OSAP in the behavior module and have it automatically put the dates of absence for the Resolutionson the Attendance screen.

You will continue to add resolutions as you have been within the Behavior Management tool.

When you choose a resolution type of ISAP, OSS, OSAP or ISS it will now add an Attendance Code drop down box to this screen

1) Enter the resolution type - as usual. If you choose OSS, OSAP, ISS or ISAP an attendance code box will appear (see step 7)
2) Enter the resolution START date = this is the first day that you want to show on the attendance
3) Enter a start time - if they will serve a full day - enter the start time for your buidling
4) Enter the resolution END date = this is the last day at they will serve this resolution
5) Enter the END time = this could the the end of your school day
6) Enter the duration of the resolution...this is reportable to EMIS but has nothing to do with attendance
7) Enter the attendance code if applicable (OSS, ISS, ISAP, OSAP)
8) Choose the students that need the behavior AND attendance added
9) Check for Conflicts - this will allow you to see if a student is already scheduled to have a day out of school for another reason. This just gives you a visual check.

Checking for conflicts

If a student already has an absence for a day that you are trying to add a behavior resolution, the atttedance for that student will appear when you check for conflicts
It will ask you what action to take: Overwrite Existing Attendance, Save Attendance but do Not overwrite or Save Behavior resolution but not the attendance.
This will be your choice: If you overwrite - it would get rid of her vacation and put in the OSAP
If you Save attendance but do not overwrite - it would leave the vacation for 11/25/13 but add in the OSAP for 11/26 and 11/27
And If you SAVE behavior resolution but not the attendance - it would do NOTHING for attendance - it would only leave the behavior in the sytem.

SAVE the screen before leaving. Once you save, the attendance screens will be updated.

What if there is a snow day or what if the student is absent and did not serve a day that was already put in...

If a snow day is put in, the attendance person will manually have to add a day in attendance for the addtional OSS, OSAP, ISS or ISAP that was not served. The system does not add a day when a snow day is inserted.

If a student is absent and was suppose to have an ISS, OSS, OSAP or ISAP: the attendance person will need to add the addtional day in attendance.

Updating the behavior screen to add these additional days will NOT work - it must be added in attendance