Below are the steps for taking daily attendance and submitting to the office.
1. Login to eSIS
2. Click on Home Rooms
3. Choose the correct Semester (These are not always listed in order & can change order without warning)
4. Click the List button
5. Under the AM columns, check the A checkbox for students that are absent
Notice that the AM & PM reasons are automating filled in with zAbsen, as well as the PM absent checkbox. If you make a mistake or a student arrives late, you will need to clear both the AM & PM columns for that student.
• First period Teachers only mark students absent with the reason zAbsent. Never choose a different reason, as these are noted in the system when the student returns with a note
• Never mark a student Tardy in eSIS. Tardies to first period are tracked the same way a tardy to any other period of the day are.
6. Click the checkbox beside Attendance Completed, then wait for feedback.
After you click on the Attendance Completed checkbox, WAIT for the message at the bottom left of the eSIS window to change so you will know that the command has been accepted by the eSIS server at SEOVEC.
8. Click the Save button (looks like a computer disk), then WAIT for the Changes Saved message.
9. Exit out the Door
Make sure you see the Changes Saved message at the bottom left of the eSIS window before exiting the Home Room Attendance window.