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Attendance Overview for Admin Assistants

Attendance is taken by teachers everyday. Each day when a teacher logs into IC they will see a reminder for them to do their attendance. By click on this reminder, it will take the teacher straight to their attendance screen.
Teachers can NOT update attendance on a student who has been updated by the office.

Attendance / Classroom Monitor

This screen will show you WHICH teachers have completed attendance (GREEN) and which teachers still need to complete their attendance (RED). From this screen you can click the envelope to email the teacher OR you can click the telephone icon to show you the phone number/extension of the teacher so that you can give a reminder call.

You can use the refresh button at the top of the screen to update your screen.

By clicking on the course, it will take YOU to the attendance screen for that particular class.

Attendance Screen for each class

As you can see there are 3 columns: P-present, A-Absent, T-Tardy. There is also a place for the teacher to add a comment. Once the teachers SAVES this information, the classroom monitor will show as GREEN for this teacher to indicate that attendance is complete.

As you can see, the classroom Monitor screen now shows as GREEN for this teacher.

Once all of the teachers have taken attendance go to Attendance/ Daily Attendance

All absent and tardy students will appear in YELLOW. This absent does not count toward anything (excused / unexcused). All YELLOW absences need to be resolved.

Absences can be resolved individually or in mass.

To handle individually, click on the yellow A for a particular student.

Choose the period of the absence and then use the drop down box to choose the appropriate absence type.
If the student will be absent for the remainder of the day, choose the FILL DOWN box and it will copy that same attendance reason for all periods


Daily attendance for that student now shows as excused (GREEN) for the remainder of the day. All teachers that have this student will see that she is ABSENT for each period. They will NOT need to take attendance for her because it is already complete.

More information on the Daily Attendance Screen

By clicking on the DETAILS link beside each name, the contact information will show for you.

Caller Report

This report will show you a listing of all UNRESOLVED absences and the parent phone numbers.

Summary Report

This report shows ALL absences for the day (resolved and unresolved)

Attendance resolved in MASS

Attendance / Attendance Wizard

Step 1: Check the date!

2: Mode

Daily - Let's you choose from all students and enter an attendance code. Can use the ad-hoc filter to pull specific groups of students (Band, Ag, softball team)
Period - If you need to fix attendance for a specific period
Batch - Group of people Used to submit attendance across a period of time (several periods, from 1:00-2:30, etc)
Edit - Can update from a list of students with an absence today. One student at a time but list of absent students show.
Batch Edit - All students in the school listed - you pick and choose the student and enter the attendance. (Has a date range so that you can enter across multiple days)
Check in - Take your list of check in's from this period and enter the attendance code for WHY they were out and their check in time. All absences prior to this time will be updated with the new absence code and all periods for the rest of the day will be cleared out.
Check out - Take your list of check outs and enter the attendance code for WHY they checked out. This code is applied to all periods after this time.

Choose BATCH EDIT mode

All students marked absent will appear in Box B.
Choose all of the names that you want to give a similar absence code. Enter all of your ISS students, OSS students, court, field trip, etc...
When you click on a name it moves it to the Box C. These are the students who will have their attendance updated. (You can remove them from the Box C by clicking on their name in the Box C).

Enter the absence reason. Use the FILL DOWN box to fill in the absence for all period.

Change the remaining students to Absent Unexcused. (Due this 1st period or AM attendance)

(All students who have not been updated with an absence reason will pull into the 1st white box)

Choose all of the students so that they appear in Box C

Enter the absence unexcused code and SAVE ATTENDANCE

Go back to DAILY ATTENDANCE to see that all students are now accounted for

Can also go to the Individual Student to see/update an absence

Choose Search for a STUDENT
Type in the name search (F,R Faut, Regina ,Regina)

Choose the attendance tab

You can click an absence date and update


Sub Attendance Roster

Choose all period (click 1st period and then Shift-Click last period)
Choose teacher (or all teachers)
Generate report